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Created in 2023. Sydney, NSW, Australia. Artwork Dimensions (w x h x d): 20 x 16 x 1 in. Vanessa tends to tell people she's annoyed with them… conflict resolution. However before creating this she thought about the people around her who have an issue with something and act like they’re all fine. Society doesn’t really allow room for people to have a mood anymore, especially with this mental health movement, despite being a human function. We seem to be expected to be corporate 24/7 and handle things in a passive aggressive manner by being polite. Sometimes the situation calls for telling people how it is and you won’t look professional, there’s a chance you may be diagnosed with a disorder by your local hairdresser and that’s how it is.
It’s impossible to resolve conflict with passive aggressive people to be frank, and Vanessa genuinely wonders, when’s the tipping point? When’s the bottle going to break and overreact? Why would anyone act this way to be liked.
Vanessa originally imagined up a more detailed artwork but as she continued to create it, that didn’t fit the concept… Outside the bottle (their mind) everything’s calm, quiet, nothing is out of place. Inside the bottle, nothing looks comfortable. In the words of Pauline Hanson… “I don’t like it”. In the background, a broken bottle that made a cloud.