Mischelle Moy
Mischelle Moy is a Brooklyn-based visual artist who uses photography and heavy photo-manipulation to create vibrant interpretations of our natural landscapes. Typically in psychedelic palettes, these locations are transformed into an otherworldly space.
From the Artist... Born and raised in New York City all my life, I've come to have a very unbalanced love-hate relationship with the daily construction of new buildings and constant influx of people and their usually imprudent interactions. You start to form emotional detachment from everyday life and long for an escape from it all. I'm very lucky to have the accessibility to travel and leave the city when I can to rediscover the greatness of our world and everything it has to offer––especially the views. I take it all in by filling my memory cards with raw content and bring it back home to work on, to visualize again, the limitless possibilities of the imagination, what it would be like in a parallel universe. I come back to make these visuals and for a moment there is a feeling of fulfillment; a new perspective is created and I find just as much joy in sharing them with others. Sometimes all you need is some fresh air.