Ton-E Watson
Ton-E Watson is a resident of Jacksonville, Florida. He is a recently retired Veteran Affairs Peer Support Specialist (Counselor) and Iraq war veteran. His part time job has been shooting photos for magazines and newspapers for the last thirty years.
From the Artist... I have been a photographer off and on for the last thirty years. Most of my work has mostly captured the human form and all its quirky behaviors. Since I was a teenager, I knew that this would be my passion. I can remember my mother spending one her last paychecks so I that could have the "brand new" Pentax K-1000camera. Her sacrifice made me in the man I am today. And even thought she is long gone her loving spirit continues to flow into my soul and into my work.
After years of endless people pics at the youthful age of fifty, I decided to become an “artist”. I believe in the "complexity of simplicity". I love how photography can turn small simple things into timeless beautiful stories than can be shared forever. The way one views a sunset at the beach for example, varies from day to day. The placement of the sun, clouds and sea are there but the way the waves crash upon the beach, or the way the clouds move across the sky and sun are always different and are never the same twice. This is my inspiration the world. And in every green patch or rusty urban lot is art and a story to tell.