Rudi Sebastian
In his photographic work, Rudi Sebastian deals with the question of individuality with respect to the overwhelming aspects of natural phenomena. However, his visual concept does not limit itself to the latter, but also presents subjects close to nature, such as, for instance, the sailboats of his work 'Barcolana in 2012' or 'Lignano', which show the situation of the individual holidaymaker in a succession of series shot on the Adriatic coast.Rudi Sebastian was born in 1960, he studied design communication in Wiesbaden from 1978 to 1983. Alongside his work in his own advertising agency, he devoted himself with great success to photographing landscapes and regularly published in renowned magazines such as 'Holiday', 'Traveller's World' and 'Dines Club Magazine'. Major photography agencies such as 'Plainpicture' and 'Getty Images' have collaborated with him.