Manny Rocca
Manny Rocca presently based in Seville, Spain, is an award-winning photojournalist which main goal is to captures reality without compromising the identity of a situation. He has won many awards and has been honored by the White House News Photographer Association in 1985 and again in 1991. Also has obtained an honorable mention in 1991 at The World Press Photo in Holland. He has worked as staff for companies like the Washington Post, The Washington Times, E.F.E News Agency of Spain and Andalusia JIDAY Magazine of Japan. Presently, he work as a freelancer, photographer and editor, also collaborated as speaker in seminars about photojournalism at the Andalusia Centre of Photography, he is always seeking new projects where to put his knowledge for work.
From the Artist... To me as a photographer, the act of taking pictures is to tell stories with images that somehow represent a moment on our life. My style follows the documentary photography way. Every single photograph I take said something related with reality and few times maybe with my fantasy. My photography does tell story even went sometimes they also ask a question, as I explore both public and private environments.\