Kobina Wright
Kobina Wright is a second-generation California native with a degree in Communications an American writer, artist, actress and language creator. She is also the creator of the Hodaoa-Anibo language which she began to develop in 2004 and published “The Hodaoa-Anibo Dictionary.” Wright the co-creator of nuler poetry which she helped to develop with friend and poet, Lisa Bartley Lacey. Wright created an art series titled “Kobiphysics” which was inspired by ancient and modern physicists. In 2012, she exhibited in a solo show at the Huntington Beach Library in Huntington Beach, California.
In 2015, Wright organized her second solo show in Santa Ana, California, titled, STATIC! This show touched upon the theme of the abuse of authoritative power, including police brutality. With this exhibition, write incorporated a number of activities to garner public support, including funding the project through Indiegogo and an exuberant launch of the crowdfunding effort through what was called STATIC Wave. STATIC Wave was a group message synchronized by waves to be forwarded by supporters according to time zones. The time set to launch the first wave of forwarded messages was at noon, Eastern Standard Time.
In 2019, Wright leaned into her abstract and surrealistic style of drawing to create a series of large-scale black and blue ink drawings that incorporated the use of sigils and time variations. She calls this style, Least Pennism. In 2020, during the height of the Corona Virus Pandemic, Wright exhibited several of these drawings in three different online exhibitions.
By the end of 2020, Wright began to incorporate certain Adinkra symbols to tie both the Hodaoa-Anibo language and her visual images to her ancestral lineage (West African ancestors). A portion of this work was also created as companion work for Star Theory, a series of poems comparing the phases of astronomical star development to African Americans and the African diaspora.
At the beginning of 2021, Wright broke with hard time variables and began incorporating gouache paint with these ink drawings, adding color and depth, and expanded on the Adinkra symbols, adding new ones of her own making, with their own meanings.
Wright’s art has been exhibited around the world including England; Spain; Suriname; Slovenia; New Zealand; The Netherlands; France, U.S. and Thailand.