Jason Weingart
From the Artist, Jason Weingart... I love photography and adventures. I graduated with my Bachelor's of Science in Photography from the University of Central Florida in the winter of 2012 and have been shooting professionally for five years.
Growing up in the Rust Belt of northeast Ohio, my interest in weather was present at a very young age. In 3rd grade, a local TV meteorologist visited our classroom and showed us the infamous tornado overpass video. After that, I would constantly watch VHS tapes of tornadoes. Whenever a severe storm caused us to take shelter, I would stay outside and watch it as long as I could. When asked what I wanted to be when I grew up, my first response was always a ""storm chaser."" As I got older, and life happened, that thought sort of fell out of my head. Although I would still stand outside and watch storms.
I pretty much enrolled in photography school on a whim. Until then, I had never picked up anything more than a point-and-shoot camera. At the time, I was stuck in a dead-end job, and didn't have much going on in my life. What did I have to lose? I quickly learned just how challenging photography is. I always tell new photographers not to get discouraged with their work, like everything else, it takes time. My pictures were downright awful when I first started. I had no business having a camera in my hand, let alone going to school for it. Thankfully. I had an amazing support group of professors, faculty, and peers.<
I started out shooting a lot of sports, which I enjoyed, but I kept that storm chasing dream in the back of my head the entire time. Once I got comfortable using a camera, I set out to photograph some storms. I got my first lightning photo in August of 2009, and I was instantly hooked. I began studying meteorology, and chasing storms every chance I got. It became my thing at school. While all the other students were busy trying to become the next Irving Penn, I was wondering what the next severe weather setup would do, and if it would be worth my time to drive to it from Florida.
Today I live in the Austin, Texas area with my wife, Savannah. I enjoy teaching photography as much as I do actually taking photographs. I thought I would get my Master's Degree and teach photography at an institution, but I actually prefer my wife and I’s workshops, which give us the freedom to teach our guests in the most efficient way and give them an unforgettable adventure full of learning.