Born on January 9, 1974 in Alessandria, Fndesignart now lives in Valenza. He began his artistic training by looking at the study of design and modeling of 3D jewelry accessories at the goldsmith's workshops of his hometown, to which the well-known Oro di Valenza gives credit on this level. It continues its activity by carrying out projects and models for various houses in the sector, carrying out the layout of catalogs and other graphics services for them.
He takes care on various occasions of the layout and graphics of the events and popular materials of the LIONS CLUB of the city of Valencia. In his digital art we see him masterfully walk different paths ranging from fantasy to surrealism, mixing styles and themes, trespassing between photography and pure digital drawing in its very essence. We see him making his debut at Artisticamente, a collective of painting, sculpture and photography in Pistoia in January 2018. Strengthened by his success, he continues to gain prestige and gratitude in various Contests with well-known houses and prestigious brands in the IT sector, reaching the second and third placed in the ranking with the BENQ in the Photo Retouching category and the first classified with the FOXITSOFTWARE on the occasion of its Contest.